I am Keynote Speaker, Panelist, Moderator and Podcast Host with 10 years+ experience and I have spoken at international conferences like Adobe MAX, IXDA Interaction, World Usability Congress and market leading companies like LEGO, Siemens, Deutsche Telekom to Designers, Product Owners, Digital Leaders or Deveoleprs – sharing thoughts, ideas and best practices about Digital Sustainability, Designing for a better Future, the Responsible Use of AI and Sustainable UX.
Next talks
Checkout my next public talks. You are at one of these events as well? Let’s get in touch and meet for a coffee and chat!
Talk-highlights from the past
Find below a few highlight videos and pictures from my past talks. I have spoken at international Conferences like Adobe MAX, IXDA Interaction, UX Copenhagen, World Usability Congress or PUSH Conference. See my full track record of talks at conferences as well as companies like LEGO, Deutsche Telekom or Booking.com here.

Do you want to book me for a talk?
Get in touch and we can discuss what could fit your audience.
Topics of my Talks
Find below a selection of my topics about digital sustainability, ethical and responsible tech and AI, Sustainable UX or Designing for a better Future.

Do you want to book me for a talk?
No matter if you seek for a speaker for your conference, your large company event or team-meeting or any other type of event: Please get in touch and we can discuss in a personal call details, how and what might fit your audience, and if I can provide what you seek for.
Track Record
Find below my track record of all public talks and workshops at conferences, companies (only these not under non-disclosure agreement), Podcast appearances and talks and lectures at universities.
Conferences / Events
2025 – Upcoming
2022 and before (Highlights)
Companies & Universities, Podcasts
Talks at Companies
Lectures at Universities
Do you want to book me for your event?
No matter if you seek for a speaker for your conference, your large company event or team-meeting or any other type of event: Please get in touch and we can discuss in a personal call details and if I can provide what you seek for.