
Digital sustainability | Responsible AI | Sustainable UX | Designing Futures

I am Keynote Speaker, Panelist, Moderator and Podcast Host with 10 years+ experience and I have spoken at international conferences like Adobe MAX, IXDA Interaction, World Usability Congress and market leading companies like LEGO, Siemens, Deutsche Telekom to Designers, Product Owners, Digital Leaders or Deveoleprs – sharing thoughts, ideas and best practices about Digital Sustainability, Designing for a better Future, the Responsible Use of AI and Sustainable UX.

Next talks

Checkout my next public talks. You are at one of these events as well? Let’s get in touch and meet for a coffee and chat!

Logo of GreenIO

Green IO
19th Sep. 2024, London

Talk „Beyond User-Centricity – Designing sustainable digital Products“

1st October, Hamburg

Talk „AI in UX: Can we be trusted with the magic Lamp“

World Usability Congress
15th-17th Oct 2024, Graz

Talk „10 principles for sustainable and responsible us of AI in UX“

UIG Tagung, 5th September 2024, Karlsruhe: „Sustainability and Ethics in the Convergence of AI and UX“
Future of Industrial Usability, 22/23 October 2024, Würzburg: Talk „AI in UX: Can we be trusted with the magic Lamp?“
Boye 2024, 5th-7th Nov 2024, Aarhus: Tack Lead „Design Leadership“
World Usability Day Estonia, 21/22 November, Tallinn: Workshop and Talk „AI in UX: Can we be trusted with the magic lamp?“

Highlights from the past

Find below a few highlight videos and pictures from my past talks. I have spoken at international Conferences like Adobe MAX, IXDA Interaction, UX Copenhagen, World Usability Congress or PUSH Conference. See my full track record of talks at conferences as well as companies like LEGO, Deutsche Telekom or Booking.com here.


„How UX can hopefully save the world“

World Usability Day Estonia

„Sustainable UX“

Adobe MAX

„The Sustainable UX Manifesto“

Do you want to book me for a talk?

Get in touch and we can discuss what could fit your audience.

Topics of my Talks

Find below a selection of my topics about digital sustainability, ethical and responsible tech and AI, Sustainable UX or Designing for a better Future.

For: Designers, Product People, Digital Leaders, Developers

Sustainable UX:
Beyond User-Centricity

We improve the convenience for our users, but we fail to balance it with the negative impacts on the surrounding ecosystems. By putting the user into the center of our work, we create harm on many other ends. Tony Fry once asked: „Does what we create justify what we destroy?” Finding justice between convenience and negative impacts, between profit and greater good is one of the major challenges of the future.

We need to set digital experiences into the context of its surrounding ecosystems and to design not only for the good of our users and business stakeholders, but for a sustainable future and all actors in the system.

For: Designers, Product People, Digital Leaders, Developers

Age of AI:
Can we be trusted with the magic Lamp

AI is reshaping our lives and our work as digital product builders and designers, offering innovative prospects, but also raising significant ethical and sustainability concerns. This encompasses understanding AI’s societal impact, addressing data privacy, algorithmic bias and environmental challenges, but also the potential to build more sustainable digital experiences.

For us, the critical question isn’t whether to use AI, but how and when to apply it responsibly and for good in our work.

For: Designers, Product People, Digital Leaders, Developers

Digital Sustainability:
Obligation AND Opportunity

We need to ask, how sustainable are the products and digital experiences we build and run? Still too many websites load tons of unnecessary data and thereby produce tons of unnecessary CO2 emissions. Still we build products focussing on our users, while harming other actors (human or non-human). Or still we build products that hang on to existing inequalities or constantly exclude certain people.

We need to re-shape the whole product creation process to make sustainability a default part of every step.

For: Designers, Product People, Digital Leaders

Imperfect Design for a better Future

Perfection is the growth narrative taught to us. We should achieve more, be more effective, get better. Design adapts perfectly: We create perfect websites, apps and services to make people more efficient. But optimizing for one aspect invariably causes detriment to another, be it social equity, environmental health, or economic sustainability.

Contrary to that, in nature, balance and coexistence are achieved not through maximizing individual elements to their zenith but through embracing the imperfection of each component. This natural equilibrium offers a powerful model for sustainable design, advocating for solutions that integrate the diverse needs and limitations of all stakeholders and the environment.

Do you want to book me for a talk?

No matter if you seek for a speaker for your conference, your large company event or team-meeting or any other type of event: Please get in touch and we can discuss in a personal call details, how and what might fit your audience, and if I can provide what you seek for.

Latest Podcast Appearances

I had the honor to be a guest in various podcasts to speak about digital sustainability, sustainable UX, the future of UX and Design or Mental Health for designers. Find a small selection below:

Honest UX Talks #100

Green IO Podcast #32

UX und Usability Podcast

UX Heroes #25

Future of UX #18

Track Record

Find below my track record of all public talks and workshops at conferences, companies (only these not under non-disclosure agreement), Podcast appearances and talks and lectures at universities.

Conferences / Events
Unidig 2024, Denmark
Product Owner Days, Cologne
Green Software Foundation, Online
Digital Design & UX Next, Munich
UX Camp, Bremen
UX Connect, Aarhus
Head in the Cloud 2024
UIG Tagung 2024, Karlsruhe
Money 20/20, Amsterdam
World Usability Day Switzerland
Hatch Conference, Berlin
UX Connect, Aarhus
DDX Conference, Munich
Webdagen, Nyborg
Boye 2023, Aarhus
International Week, Vienna
Working Products, Hamburg
Future of Industrial Usability, Würzburg
24 hours of UX, Online
nConf, Rostock
UX Roundtable, Hamburg
UX Festival, Erfurt
Product Tank Prague, Online
Product Beats, Online
2022 & 2021
Adobe MAX, Online
World Usability Congress, Graz
Interaction 21, Online
PUSH Conference, Munich
World Usability Day Estonia, Tallinn
UX Festival, Erfurt
UX Copenhagen 2021
UX Connect, Aarhus
Boye 2022, Aarhus
UX Belgium / UX Antwerp, Online
Product Beats, Online
Working Products Monthly, Hamburg
UX Copenhagen 2022
Indianapolis Design Week, Online
Tech Circus, Online
Modulr Impuls, Hamburg
Big & Growing Festival
Un_biased, Online
This is HCD Berlin, Online
UX Belgium, Online
IXDA San Diego, Online
2020 and before
Adobe MAX, Online, 2020
Big & Growing Festival, 2020
UX Camp Europe, 2020
UX Pulse, Hamburg, 2020
UX Antwerp, 2020
Adobe / IXDD, Munich, 2019
Adobe Creative Jam, Hamburg, 2019
XR Meetup, Hamburg, 2018
Mobilisten Talk, Berlin, 2017
MobX Conference, Berlin, 2016
World Usability Day, Hamburg, 2018
Media Convention / Republica, 2016
IA Konferenz, Berlin, 2016
World Usability Day, Hamburg 2016
UX Camp Europe, 2014
IA Konferenz, Berlin, 2012
Mobile Camp, Hamburg, 2011
Companies & Universities, Interviews
Talks at Companies
Deutsche Telekom
Jung von Matt
Scholz & Volkmer
Future of UX
Honest UX Talks
Green I/O
UX Heroes
Software for Future
German UPA Podcast
XR Podcast
Digi What
Abends in der Kreativwirtschaft
Global Burnout Awareness Week
El Camino People
Talks/Lectures at Universities
Hochschule Neu-Ulm
FH Vorarlberg
PfH Göttingen
EC Utbildning, Sveden
IT University Copenhagen
Technikum Wien
Design Factory Hamburg

Do you want to book me for your event?

No matter if you seek for a speaker for your conference, your large company event or team-meeting or any other type of event: Please get in touch and we can discuss in a personal call details and if I can provide what you seek for.

Thank you for your request! I will get back to you within the next two work days.
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