I speak at global events and market-leading companies, I train design- and product teams in digital sustainability and I help companies to innovate with care and to create more sustainable, responsible and ethical digital products. As Co-Founder of the Sustainable UX Network and Co-Chair of the Web Sustainability Guidelines at the W3C I have a long-year expertise in digital sustainability and Sustainable UX.
Known for talks at world-leading conferences as well as market-leading companies for more than 10 years.
- Spoke at and for: Adobe MAX, LEGO, World Usability Congress, Deutsche Telekom, IXDA Interaction, etc.
- Topics: Digital Sustainability, Responsible AI, Sustainable UX, Design for better Future
Sustainable UX & AI Trainings for Teams and individual Designers. Check out the SUX Academy for all infos.
- Masterclasses „Sustainable UX“ and „Responsible AI“. Suitable for teams, conference settings and individual designers
- Course: „Become a sustainable UX Designer coming soon
Build Sustainable Digital Products to meet future market demands and regulations.
- Understand the negative impacts of your digital product or website and derive actions and additional KPIs
- Break it down into actionable steps for your design and product teams
- Make Sustainability a Business Case
Sustainability Audits for your digital product and design based on SUX and WSG standards.
- How sustainable is your digital experience or product?
- 1-Day Audit delivers results and makes first suggestions
- Based on the Web Sustainability Guidelines (WSG 1.0) and Sustainable UX Best Practices
Work on certain aspects of your digital product with one of my proofed workshop formats.
- Preparation and Facilitation
- Formats like: Sustainable User Journey, Impacted SDGs, Non-Human Personas, Unintended Consequences
- Suitable for or small and bigger groups or all stakeholders involved
- Online and Physical
1on1 Coaching
Coaching and mentorship for designers and design leaders on their path to responsible design and leadership
- Tailored to your individual needs and current step in the career
- Long term coaching as well as short term feedback loops available
- Development of a personal roadmap to sustainable design or leadership

My next public talks
These are the next larger public events where I will speak. For a full list, please my Speaking-Page. You will be at one of the events as well? I would be happy to get on touch. Just let me know.
Podcast Appearances
I had the honor to be a guest in various podcasts to speak about digital sustainability, sustainable UX, the future of UX and Design or Mental Health for designers. Find a small selection of highlights below:

SUX Podcast
I am the host of the SUX Podcast – a podcast for designers and digital product builders who want to make an impact for a sustainable future. At the SUX Podcast we invite you to meet wonderful people from around the world and to get inspired by their way of trying to save the world through and within UX, Design and Tech. Find all episodes of the podcast here.
EP 13: With Don Norman about Humanity-Centered Design
EP 14: With Tom Greenwood about Sustainability and AI
EP 15: With Hannah Smith about the Green Web Foundation
EP 16: With Chris Cassens about Food Waste

„We need to move from a human to humanity and environmental-centered design approach.“
Work with me, book me for talk or training
The clock is running. We need to get the digital products and experiences more sustainable. And this is also good for business. Not building sustainable products won’t be an option in a few years – consumers want it, regulations will demand it. Starting now is good for the planet, for our children and for your business.