Hi, I am Thorsten!

Sustainable UX & Responsible AI

Digital Sustainability Trailblazer, Keynote Speaker, Podcast Host, Founder of the SUX Network and SUX Academy and Co-Author of the Web Sustainability Guidelines . I advise companies and train design-teams to create sustainable, responsible and ethical digital products.


I speak at global events and market-leading companies, I train design- and product teams in digital sustainability and I help companies to innovate with care and to create more sustainable, responsible and ethical digital products. As Co-Founder of the Sustainable UX Network and Co-Chair of the Web Sustainability Guidelines at the W3C I have a long-year expertise in digital sustainability and Sustainable UX.

Digital Sustainability, Responsible AI, Sustainable UX

Clients I work with

I work with various European clients on creating more sustainable digital products and experiences or using AI responsibly. I provide trainings or give in-house talks and workshops. Among my latest clients have been LEGO, Booking.com, Deutsche Telekom, Visma, Siemens, ARD Mediathek or University of Copenhagen.

Workshop room, with a rondel of tables and appr. 15 people seated. Thorsten is in the center and explaining something
Keynote Speaker, Event Host, Panelist

Book me as a Speaker

I am Keynote Speaker, Panelist, Moderator and Podcast Host with 10 years+ experience and I have spoken at international conferences like Adobe MAXIXDA InteractionWorld Usability Congress and market leading companies like LEGOSiemensDeutsche Telekom to Designers, Product Owners, Digital Leaders or Develeopers – sharing thoughts, ideas and best practices about Digital SustainabilityDesigning for a better Future, the Responsible Use of AI and Sustainable UX.

My next public talks

These are the next larger public events where I will speak. For a full list, please my Speaking-Page. You will be at one of the events as well? I would be happy to get on touch. Just let me know.

Green IO,

3rd July
Talk: „Sustainable UX“

Logo of the Future Product Days Conference

UX Nordic,

24th-26th Sep Workshop:
„Responsibility & Sustainability in AI?“

World Usability Congress, Graz

13th-16th Oct Workshop:
„Applying Sustainable UX – Strategy & Tactics“

Podcast Appearances

I had the honor to be a guest in various podcasts to speak about digital sustainability, sustainable UX, the future of UX and Design or Mental Health for designers. Find a small selection of highlights below:

Honest UX Talks #100

Green IO Podcast #32

Podcast Cover of the Sera Tajima Podcast, showing Thorsten Jonas and the Title of the Episode "AI & Sustainability"

Sera Tajima Podcast S2E5

UX Heroes #25

Future of UX #18

SUX Meetup in Amsterdam. You see the large screen, on the right the hosts Sera and Thorsten are standing, while on the left the participants are sitting
Non-Profit global Community and Initiative

SUX Network

In 2021 I founded the global community and non-profit initiative „SUX – The Sustainable UX Network“ with the goal to drive Sustainability through and within UX and Design. SUX is global community for designers to discuss and share ideas and thoughts around all aspect of sustainability.

In 2024 the SUX Academy was founded, were I give courses to designers and product people as well as design- and product-teams

SUX Podcast

I am the host of the SUX Podcast – a podcast for designers and digital product builders who want to make an impact for a sustainable future. At the SUX Podcast we invite you to meet wonderful people from around the world and to get inspired by their way of trying to save the world through and within UX, Design and Tech. Find all episodes of the podcast here.

Podcast Cover of the SUX Podcast. Showing Don Norman and a quote of him: "Human centered design is wrong"
Digital Sustainability Trailblazer

About me

For 20 years I am working in the field of UX, Service Design and Strategic Digital Consulting, supporting clients to create meaningful products and to build up, lead, coach UX and Product Teams. In 2020 and after going through a Burnout I quit my job as Director UX of an international Digital Agency to fully focus on some of the major issues we face as human beings and society and to drive change through and within my work.

Being a mountaineer for many years, I see every year how fast the glaciers are vanishing. Being up in the mountains shows me every time how dramatic the situation is and that we all need to act right now. With focussing on Sustainable UX as well as Responsible AI, I want to bring my knowledge and experience to the table to help saving this world for us and every being on this planet.

„We need to move from a human to humanity and environmental-centered design approach.“​

Thorsten Jonas​

Work with me, book me for talk or training

The clock is running. We need to get the digital products and experiences more sustainable. And this is also good for business. Not building sustainable products won’t be an option in a few years – consumers want it, regulations will demand it. Starting now is good for the planet, for our children and for your business.